PIPER Neonatal Parent Survey

How are we doing?

The Paediatric Infant Perinatal Emergency Retrieval (PIPER) transfers sick babies and children from referring hospitals throughout Victoria and Southern New South Wales to the Royal Children's Hospital, Monash Children's Hospital, Royal Women's Hospital, Mercy Hospital for Women, Joan Kirner (Sunshine) and occasionally to other hospitals.

Your baby was recently transferred by PIPER and we are interested in your feedback about the care we gave to you and your baby.

The survey will help ensure we provide quality service to our patients and their families.

Providing your personal details is optional. Your response will remain confidential.

If you have any questions, please contact the Quality Officer on (03) 9345 6923 or at piper.admin@rch.org.au

* 1 Did the hospital tell you that your baby was being transferred to another hospital by the PIPER service?
* 2 Did the PIPER team introduce themselves to you when they arrived at the hospital?  
* 3 Did the PIPER team provide enough information about your baby's condition?

4 Did the PIPER team provide information in a way you could understand? If no, please comment. Choose one of the following answers

* 5 Did you have an opportunity to ask the PIPER team any questions you had?
* 6 Were you given the opportunity to travel with your baby? If no, please describe why.

Choose one of the following answers

* 7 Did the PIPER team give you clear directions on how to get to the hospital your baby was being transferred to?
* 8 Did the PIPER team contact you after your baby arrived at the new hospital?
Please select one answer
* 9 How would you rate the overall service provided by PIPER? 
Please select one answer

If you have any other feedback about the PIPER service, please comment below.

Optional: Your Name, Baby's Name, Baby's DOB